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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

PBS Producer's Summit: Vicky Rideout, Kaiser Family Foundation

What We Can Learn From "Generation M2: MEdiain the Lives of 8-18 Year Olds
View similar presentation here:

"A national survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that with technology allowing nearly 24-hour media access as children and teens go about their daily lives, the amount of time young people spend with entertainment media has risen dramatically, especially among minority youth.  Today, 8-18 year-olds devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes (7:38) to using entertainment media across a typical day (more than 53 hours a week).  And because they spend so much of that time 'media multitasking' (using more than one medium at a time), they actually manage to pack a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes (10:45) worth of media content into those 7½ hours.

Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds is the third in a series of large-scale, nationally representative surveys by the Foundation about young people's media use.  It includes data from all three waves of the study (1999, 2004, and 2009), and is among the largest and most comprehensive publicly available sources of information about media use among American youth. "

**  The presentation here at PBS today covered 8-10 year olds **

+ This study covers all platforms and media.
+  2000 kids participate
+ 700 kids fill out media use diary
+  This is recreational media use only. Not includes media usage for school work.

Topline Summary
+ Kids spend an ENORMOUS amount of time using media.
+ It is more important than ever to provide quality, educational content
+ Media content is becoming totally disaggregated from just one platform. Kids are at ease between platfoms. Our content needs to be platform-flexible (which is also called 'transmedia' content)
+ Minority kids are even more likely to be consumers of multi platforms than white kids
+ Watching linear TV is still 'the thing' that takes the most time out of a kids life! So yes, prepare for the new, but don't neglect the old media just yet!
+ We need to get messaging out to parents to SET LIMITS on media use(stats show it's starting to happen, which is good)
+ Take the TV set out of kids bedrooms! (it's going down which is good)

+ Turn the TV off during meals (stats are going down which is good)

Media Use, By Platform
for 8-10 year olds summarizes to approx 8 hours per day (all media and platforms including books, games, tv, online etc).
+ When you think about the amount of messaging, images, related play with other kids, 8 hours is significant.
+ Often using more than one media at the same time so when we discount multi-tasking, it goes down to about 5 hours a day.

Total Media Exposure and Use
+ Linear Television - half an hour of day (inc. DVDs)
+ 16 minutes a day of TV on the internet
+ Time shifted viewing ads up to about 20 mins (eg DVR)
+ TV on handheld low, about 7 mins
+ Of total users
  - 42% said they spent half an hour a day watching tv on the internet
  - 20% watch 25 minutes

Music egs

+ Radio 18 mins/day
+ Computer 15 mins/day

Platform Games

+ Video Games are fairly evenly divided between console and handheld, cell phones lower.

Computer+ Games 17 mins / day
+ Video 8 mins / day
+ Social Networking 5/day
+Graphics / Photos 3/Dday

Media Use, Print+ Books 33 mins /day
+ Magazines 9 mins /day
+ Newspapers 3 mins/day
Mediums+ TV - 99%
+ DVD 95%
+ Cable / Sat 76%
+ TiVo DVR 53%
+ Premium Channels 39%
+ Radio 91%
+ CD Player 89%
+ Console Game Player 89%
+ Computer 91%
+ Internet Access 80%

8 - 14 Year Olds Racial and Ethnic Differences in Media Use 09+ Internet
    - White 88
    - Black 76
    - Hispanic 73

8 - 10 year olds percent who own each media platform
+ ipod / mp3 - 61% ( 04 was 12%)
+ Cell Phone - 31% (04 was 21%)
+ Handheld Player - 65% (04 was 66%)
+ Laptop - 13 % (04 was 17%)

TV Use, Over Time - 8 -10 year olds amountof tie spent using TV content from 1999+ TV watching down over 50 mins per day since 99
+ DVD and Videos on steady decline
+ Total TV is down about half an hour a day
+ This is the only age group where they really saw this happen

Computers, Music, VIdeo Games over time+ Computers up from 23 to 46 mins
+ Video Games was 31 mins up to 1.01.
+ Music is up from 55. to a bit over one hour

Print over time+ print (magazines) has gone down modestly since 99 but pretty steady since 04.
+ Reading of books has remained very steady.

Total Media Exposue - Gender differences in Media Use
+ Girls more music than boys.
+ A smallish gap with video games, but this expands significantly in teen years (girls lose interest)
+ No real difference in time spent on computers or reading.
+ Pretty big difference on TV, with girls watching more than boys. (live tv and tv on other platforms)

Total Media Exposure Kids of different races and ethnicities (8 - 14)
+  Black kids are consuming an additional 5 hours of media content per day than white kids. Hispanic kids are not far behind black kids.
+ This is evenly balanced between girls and boys
+ This is consistent over ten years of the study, amongst all age groups. Speaker has no exact explanation.
+ Biggest difference is television - black kids spend 2.5 more hours a day than white, hispanic 1.5 hours more.
+ Live TV vs other platform TV
    - only place where kids of color are watching less is on DVR / TiVo.
    - doing more on internet, cell phone, ipod, on demand.

+ Print
    - kids of color more likely to spend time reading magazines, and a little less time reading books. But this is not too significant.

Why are black and hispanic kids spending so much more time on media?
+ One thing they found is that kids who have a TV set in their bedroom, or where TV is on during meals tend to spend more time watching television
+ Amongst 8-14 year olds, black and hispanic are more likely to say TV is usually on during meals
+ More black kids (8-14) tend to say they have a TV set in their bedroom. Hispanic high too.

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