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Friday, November 11, 2011

JGC - definition of social networking

Discussion about the definition of what is a Social Networking Site (SNS) and how we need to merge the differences in platforms.

Steer away from trying to define tools and technology and focus on patterns and practices.  For example, what are the patterns of pre-schoolers in how they use games, sites etc. What distinct patterns begin to emerge when looking at these behaviors across different technologies?

JGC paper writers want to still include tools and technologies - but need to be careful if we define a technology in a paper it might be obsolete in a few years.

Regardless of technology and social network - what are the developmental needs of children at these ages.  Eg identity construction at different age groups.  What's really important to preK? an 8 year old in terms of identity?  How are 'friendship' patterns and kinds of interactions you see with boys and girls different, for example? What sort of needs are children going to bring in terms of the self?

A new paper released on digital use for young kids:  

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