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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

PBS Kids Summit: Marketing Update

Sharon Philippart, Senior Director, PBS KIDS Marketing & Communications

Leveraging Assets:
- support tentpoles with month long promo strategy
- inventory of existing promos and updates
- break strategy across schedule
- refresh of Basics: Up next, Generic Promos
- cross Platform Promotion. 

Power of Aggregation:
- Brand and tune in promotional spots
- research 
- reaching out locally off air (eg Kratt Bros)
- new content such as prankster planet 
- first android tablet coming next week

Expand the Service:
- system assessment
- grow / buildeffective local models
- focused outreach strategy
- looking at other non-profits to see if there's other models they can adapt.
- are partnering with stations to test outcomes
- RTL has been positioned as a strategy that works for stations.

- how can we serve kids in the local markets
- example of a working outreach activity is PBS Kids Summer Literacy which was done in partnership with iVillage.  Helping parents to combat the summer slump - apparently reading achievements of kids declines during summer vacation.
- Also partnering with JetBlue, 
Social Media / Marketing
- During federal funding challenges, put the community to the test by asking the community for support thorugh emails, tweets - got 500 000 followers combined who actively participated.
- Were at mom 2.0 last week to launch Chuck Vanderchuck, Noah Comprendeh and the Parents Show


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