via ReadWriteWeb
Welcome to FearSquare! FearSquare is an application which allows FourSquare users in the UK to easily see the official crime statistics for the places where you 'check-in'. The intention is to give you a uniquely individual look at the levels and types of crimes you are exposed to in your daily life.
"Rather than scaring users about publicly sharing their location, Fearsquare "takes a list of your ten most recent FourSquare check-ins and cross-references these with the UK Police Crime Statistics database" and shows "how many crimes were committed, during a recent one-month period, in the locations where they checked-in." It is all part of an opt-in study that examines "the interaction of people with crime statistics that are presented in a uniquely personal manner."
After authorizing Foursquare, Fearsquare makes the comparison and shows you how many instances of robbery, violent crime and "antisocial crime" have occurred in the vicinity. They can then see how they rank on a leaderboard of users and 'FearPoints.'"
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