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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eight-year-old children publish bee study in Royal Society journal

via Discover / Not Exactly Rocket Science blog

"This is the conclusion of a new paper published in Biology Letters, a high-powered journal from the UK’s prestigious Royal Society. If its tone seems unusual, that’s because its authors are children from Blackawton Primary School in Devon, England. Aged between 8 and 10, the 25 children have just become the youngest scientists to ever be published in a Royal Society journal."

I Scientist film from Storymakers TV on Vimeo.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Lunar Eclipse tonight!

"A rare event not seen in 372 years will occur early Tuesday morning, when a total lunar eclipse coincides with the winter solstice. While you can't see the solstice, the eclipse promises to be an amazing spectacle.

And if that's not enough, a minor meteor shower is expected to send a few shooting stars through the darkened sky during the height of the eclipse.

Weather permitting, viewers in North and South America, as well as the northern and western parts of Europe, and a small area of northeast Asia should get a great view of the total eclipse of the moon."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Giving Better Design Feedback

via Mule

A great article on what to think about when giving feedback to designers.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ideas In Review: Interactive Feature

Monday, December 13, 2010

Songs of the Year

Ben Greenman from the New Yorker created a special playlist for the New Yorker holiday party this year. He chose one track from each year of the New Yorker’s existence and played them in chronological order.

Patrick Filler made it into a playable list and put it on his blog:

HTML5 and Flash Team Up for Web Music Video

Via PC World

"new video from the Japanese band Sour makes use of both HTML5 and Flash to take you on a unique musical journey. The video, ties in with your social network accounts to make you part of the video as you watch it. It blew my mind when I watched it for the first time, and it is even better the more social networks you connect to it! For example, if you sign in with your Twitter account when prompted, it'll show the song's lyrics as a Twitter conversation between you and the band."

U.S. Consumer Say They Now Spend As Much Time on the Internet As They Do Watching TV

via ReadWriteWeb

"For the first time ever, U.S. consumers report spending an equal amount of time using the Internet as they do watching TV. According to a report released by Forrester today, Gen Xers now claim to spend more time online than watching TV and Boomers now report spending an equal amount of time on both activities. Senior Boomers still report watching more television, and Generation Y has long reported spending more time online."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tweet Wrap

Jumping the shark?

Videos: The Best Kinect Hacks And Mods One Month In

viva crunch gear

"Seeing how the Kinect is just over a month old, it’s ’bout we round up the best hacks so far and seriously, judging by the list of accomplishments done in just over 30 days, the Kinect will probably be playing us this time next year."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

More experiments with Kinect

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder from flight404 on Vimeo.
Made with Cinder and the Kinect sensor. Runs in realtime.

Nipple Tracker (ah... here is the future of this technology)

Kinect Titty Tracker from Dan Wilcox on Vimeo.
A simple Open Frameworks application using the MS Kinect depth sensing camera via libfreenect and ofxKinect.